Weekly Assignments: March 18-21

Monday: Environmental Science - Levels of Organization Foldable

Tuesday: Populations in the Environment, Counting Turtles Lab

Wednesday: Finish Counting Turtles Lab

Student Led-Conferences
Tuesday, March 19 from 5-8pm
Wednesday, March 20 from 2-4pm and 5-8pm

Thursday, March 21-Sunday, March 31 is SPRING BREAK!!! Enjoy your week off, I'll see you April 1st!!! :)

Human Body Magazine

Cover/Title Page
0: Letter from the Editor (reflection)
1: Levels of Organization
2: Organ Systems
3: Interview with Mr. Bones
4: Muscle Beach Treasure Map
5: Digestive Myth Busters
6: Cardio Comic
7: No Smoking Ad
8: The Brain
9: 5 Senses
10: Skin/Immune Postcards
11: Endocrine/Reproductive Postcards

*Each individual page is worth 3 pts in the final submission (33 pts)
*The cover page is worth 5 pts

The entire final magazine submission is out of 35 points! (This means you can be missing 1 magazine page and not miss any points off your final magazine submission grade.)

We will be assembling the final magazine in class TOMORROW (Friday, March 15).
Please remember that I will not be accepting ANY magazine pages after the end of class tomorrow, so make sure everything is handed in. :)

4th quarter has officially started!! :)

Weekly Assignments: March 11-15

Monday: HBM - Postcards: Endocrine/Reproductive Systems

Tuesday: HBM - Postcards: Immune/Skin

Wednesday: Human Body Movie

Thursday: Human Body Movie

Friday: HBM - Cover, Letter to the Editor and assemble magazine
Weekly Assignments: March 4-8

Monday: Frog Dissection

Tuesday: Frog Dissection
Online Virtual Dissection
Frog Dissection PowerPoint
Frog Dissection Packet

Check out this GIANT bullfrog!!! Yowzer!

Wednesday: Summative Assessment Part I: Written (You can use whatever you can HAND WRITE on both sides of a 3"x5" card)

Final Exam Study Guide

Thursday:  Summative Assessment Part II: Lab (You can use your dissection packets!)

Friday: No School! Enjoy your long weekend!!!! :)