May 27-31: The last week of school is finally here!! 

Monday: No school because it's Memorial Day! :)

Tuesday: Field day (Movie theater and Park)

Wednesday: Rising Star Assembly and team activities

Thursday: Academic and Rewards Assembly and Yearbook signing

Friday: First day of summer vacation!!! Enjoy your summer!!!

August 19: First day of school for the 2013-2014 school year!! :)
Weekly Assignments: May 20-24

Monday: work on final project

Tuesday: project presentations

Wednesday: finish project presentations, go over study guide

Thursday: Finals for 2nd, 4th and 6th periods

Friday: Finals for 1st, 3rd and 5th periods

Adopt-A-Highway Road Clean-up
Nice job team 7-2!! You guys rock! :)

Field Day:

Who: Team 7-2
What: Field Day 
Where: Renting out a private movie showing at the Nampa Reel Theater and then going to Lake Lowell Park to eat, swim, play football, soccer, frisbee and relax! 
When: May 28, all day!!
Cost: Free! :)
Extra Stuff: Bring money for movie snacks, and sunscreen, water bottles and sunglasses/hats for the park!

Signed permission slips are due back to your advisory teacher no later than: Friday, May 17!!

Permission Slips will be going out in advisory on Monday, May 13th. In case you lost your permission slip or didn't get one, you can click on the link below and print it off:

Field Day Permission Slip

Weekly Assignments: May 13-17

Monday: Resources Tic-Tac-Toe; Compose DUE!

Tuesday: Resources Tic-Tac-Toe; Create/Construct DUE!; Quiz #4

Wednesday: Endangered Species and Environmental Conservation PPT

Thursday: Introduce Final Project

Friday: Work on project

Don't Forget: This Friday, May 10, is our bi-annual 7-2 Adopt-A-Highway and Campus Clean-up Service Project! Come to school dressed in comfortable clothes and shoes! It's supposed to be almost 90 outside so bring your hats and/or sunglasses and water bottles!!! :)

Weekly Assignments: May 6-10

Monday: Renewable Resources and Energy Conservation Notes

Tuesday: Resources Tic-Tac-Toe

Wednesday: Resources Tic-Tac-Toe

Thursday: Resources Tic-Tac-Toe

Friday: Resources Tic-Tac-Toe & 7-2 Service Project (5th-7th periods only)

Resources Tic-Tac-Toe Due Dates
Required: Due Thursday, May 9
Compose: Due Monday, May 13
Construct/Create: Due Tuesday, May 14
Quiz: Tuesday, May 14
Weekly Assignments: April 29 -  May 3


Tuesday: Human Footprint Moive and WS

Wednesday: Human Footprint Moive and WS

Thursday: Resources Notes

Friday: Resources Activity (Math ISAT - Good Luck!!)

The practice ISAT is now available under the "study guides" tab. I also linked to it below as well. Good luck studying and be sure to get enough sleep on Sunday night!!

Practice ISAT:

April 22: Happy Earth Day!
Animal Planet: The Animals Save the Planet

SCIENCE FIRM DEADLINE #1 for 4th Quarter is Tuesday, April 23!!! 
(this means EVERYTHING from Quizzes #1, 2, and 3 MUST be turned in before the Test!!)

Weekly Assignments: April 22-26

Monday: Test Review/Study Guide

Tuesday: Environmental Science Test #1 - 35 pts (on the test: you can use one side of a 3" x 5" note card OR one side of a 1/4 of a sheet of lined paper)

Wednesday: Science ISAT Review - Practice ISAT

Thursday: Science ISAT Review - Physical Science: Stations (Reading ISAT - Good Luck!!)

Friday: Science ISAT Review - Life Science: Quiz-Quiz Trade

Science ISAT is Monday, April 29!!
Weekly Assignments: April 15-19

Monday: Biomes Tic-Tac-Toe

Tuesday: Biomes Tic-Tac-Toe (Language Usage ISAT - Good Luck!)

Wednesday: Biomes Tic-Tac-Toe

Thursday: Biomes Tic-Tac-Toe

Friday: Biomes Tic-Tac-Toe DUE!!! & Quiz #3: Biomes
Weekly Assignments: April 8-12

Monday: Studying Populations - 4-Square Flashcards

Tuesday: Food Webs and Energy Flow in Ecosystems Notes and Food Webs Worksheet

Wednesday: Food Web Class Activity

Thursday: Interactions Among Living Things Crossword

Friday: Environmental ScienceQuiz #2

Welcome back from Spring Break!  
Hopefully you are all refreshed and ready to finish this year strong!! :) 

Weekly Assignments for: April 1 - 5

Monday: Interations Among Living Things PPT Notes

Tuesday: Interactions Illustrations

Wednesday: Interactions Illustrations (due Friday at the BEGINNING of class!)

Thursday: "Oh Deer" Lab Activity (wear clothes/shoes to go outside!!)

Friday: Environmental Science Quiz #1

Weekly Assignments: March 18-21

Monday: Environmental Science - Levels of Organization Foldable

Tuesday: Populations in the Environment, Counting Turtles Lab

Wednesday: Finish Counting Turtles Lab

Student Led-Conferences
Tuesday, March 19 from 5-8pm
Wednesday, March 20 from 2-4pm and 5-8pm

Thursday, March 21-Sunday, March 31 is SPRING BREAK!!! Enjoy your week off, I'll see you April 1st!!! :)

Human Body Magazine

Cover/Title Page
0: Letter from the Editor (reflection)
1: Levels of Organization
2: Organ Systems
3: Interview with Mr. Bones
4: Muscle Beach Treasure Map
5: Digestive Myth Busters
6: Cardio Comic
7: No Smoking Ad
8: The Brain
9: 5 Senses
10: Skin/Immune Postcards
11: Endocrine/Reproductive Postcards

*Each individual page is worth 3 pts in the final submission (33 pts)
*The cover page is worth 5 pts

The entire final magazine submission is out of 35 points! (This means you can be missing 1 magazine page and not miss any points off your final magazine submission grade.)

We will be assembling the final magazine in class TOMORROW (Friday, March 15).
Please remember that I will not be accepting ANY magazine pages after the end of class tomorrow, so make sure everything is handed in. :)

4th quarter has officially started!! :)

Weekly Assignments: March 11-15

Monday: HBM - Postcards: Endocrine/Reproductive Systems

Tuesday: HBM - Postcards: Immune/Skin

Wednesday: Human Body Movie

Thursday: Human Body Movie

Friday: HBM - Cover, Letter to the Editor and assemble magazine
Weekly Assignments: March 4-8

Monday: Frog Dissection

Tuesday: Frog Dissection
Online Virtual Dissection
Frog Dissection PowerPoint
Frog Dissection Packet

Check out this GIANT bullfrog!!! Yowzer!

Wednesday: Summative Assessment Part I: Written (You can use whatever you can HAND WRITE on both sides of a 3"x5" card)

Final Exam Study Guide

Thursday:  Summative Assessment Part II: Lab (You can use your dissection packets!)

Friday: No School! Enjoy your long weekend!!!! :)


Weekly Assignments: February 25 - March 1

Monday: 5 Senses Foldable

Tuesday: Quiz #7: Nervous System

Wednesday: Final Exam Review - work on the review/study guide

Thursday: Final Exam Review - go over review and make a 5"x7" note card to use on the final exam!

Friday: Start Frog Dissection - Go over Frog Dissection Packets

Looking ahead to next week (March 4-8): Frog Dissection (Mon/Tues) and Final Exam (Weds/Thurs)

Weekly Assignments: Feb. 19-22

Monday: No School - Presidents Day! :)

Tuesday: The Brain Notes and The Brain magazine page

Wednesday: Left/Right Brain Quiz and finish The Brain magazine page

Thursday: How the Nervous System Works Notes and WS

Friday: Divisions of the Nervous System Notes and finish WS

*There is no quiz this week... the nervous system quiz will be next Tuesday (Feb. 26).

Weekly Assignments: Feb. 11-15

Monday: Respiratory System - reading assignment (p. 112-120) and worksheet

Tuesday: Respiratory Flashcards and MSB: Flexes its Muscles

Wednesday: Excretory System - reading assignment (p. 127-131) and worksheet

Thursday: Human Body Magazine: No Smoking Ad

Friday: Quiz #6 - Respiratory/Excretory System and Magazine Page Make-up Day
Weekly Assignments: Feb. 4-8

Monday: Heart notes and p. 84 #1-3 (Section 3.1) <- You're welcome Cheyenne! :)

Tuesday: Blood vessels notes and p. 89 #1-3 (Section 3.2)

Wednesday: Blood and lymph notes and p. 97 #1-3 (Section 3.3)

Thursday: Heart Beat, Health Beat Lab

Friday: Quiz #5: Circulatory System AND Cardio Comic Magazine Page
Tomorrow (Friday) we will be taking Quiz #4: The Digestive System and then competing in the Saltine Challenge! So make sure you bring your pencil and your amylase to class tomorrow!!! :)

The skeleton has officially been named.... and the winning name is: SKULLY!
Weekly Assignments: January 28 - February 1

**Due to the snow day last Thursday, we will be making up for a couple things week**

Monday: Quiz #3: Muscle System and work on Muscle Beach Treasure Map

Tuesday: Digestive Dude Notes and start flashcards

Wednesday: Digestive Flashcards

Thursday: Myth Busters (Computer Lab)

Friday: Quiz #4: Digestive System and Saltines Lab

Weekly Assignments: January 21-25

Monday: No School - Martin Luther King Jr./Human Rights Day

Tuesday: Muscular System Notes and  B/A layers from last week are due today!

Wednesday: Muscle Fatigue Lab

Thursday: HBM: Treasure at Muscle Beach

Friday: Quiz #3 and finish magazine page from Thursday
Weekly Assignments: Jan. 14-18

Monday: Skeletal System Layered Unit

Tuesday: Skeletal System Layered Unit

Wednesday: Skeletal System Layered Unit

Thursday: Skeletal System Layered Unit,  C-Layer DUE!

Friday: Skeletal System Layered Unit, Quiz #2

A and B Layers Due: Tuesday

Check it out! :)

I'm trying something new this quarter and using an online program to create practice quizzes that you can go online and take. This will be done instead of just providing a document with a list of potential quiz questions. You will need to go to: and sign-up for an account. You can then search for my name "Balisciano" and add my science class to your account. Once you have an account, you can go online at any time and practice for your upcoming quizzes and tests! :) Let me know if you have trouble and I can have you login at school and get you started from there.
Weekly Assignments: Jan. 7-11

Monday: Levels of Organization Foldable

Tuesday: finish Levels of Organization Foldable and start the Organ Systems Activity

Wednesday: Finish Organ Systems Activity and start Body Organization WS (Due Thursday!)

Thursday: Tissues Lab

Friday: Quiz #1- Levels of Organization

Happy New Year! I hope you guys are all refreshed from Christmas break and ready to start 3rd quarter! This is my favorite part of 7th grade science because we get to learn about human anatomy and physiology!! oh... and we dissect frogs! :)

See you tomorrow!!!

- Mrs. Balisciano